(if you are interested you can read the abstract of the article on this link https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)00441-5/fulltext)
Low back pain costs the Australian health system 4.8 billion annually (1) with the overuse of medicines, spinal surgery and passive treatments that focus on short term relief.
Historically our treatment options for persistent low back pain haven’t been very good…
Pain medications, bed rest and surgery are now recognised to have a limited role in helping most cases of low back pain. In fact, in some cases, these options can delay recovery and sometimes lead to further loss of capacity.
However, there is hope and management is getting better…
We now know that best practice care for persistent low back pain requires a much broader focus, one that takes into consideration a variety of factors, has a focus on movement and is tailored to the individual. The recent research used cognitive functional therapy (CFT) and describes this as ‘an individualised approach that targets unhelpful pain-related cognitions, emotions, and behaviours that contribute to pain and disability’. This is in line with a growing body of research that is finding success when a broad range of factors are considered and applied to an individual. This research based, broad thinking and individually applied care is something Marion Physiotherapy prides itself on delivering. |
Our physiotherapist understand that low back pain can be scary and debilitating and will work with patients to feel safe, supported and help reduce the fear around movement. Manual therapy to help with acute pain relief is used in addition to a graded exercise program, as well as tools given to help with short term pain relief at home or work.
A graded approach to exercise helps build a patient’s confidence slowly in everyday movements - often helping to reduce severity of pain, as well as increasing strength and mobility.
Feeling safe and having the confidence to move again also increases the patients return to work or social activities and goals – having an overall positive effect on the patient’s mental health, sleep, and stress levels.
Our physiotherapists are experts in musculoskeletal health and movement. Helping to reduce pain and achieve their patients’ goals is their passion. If you’re struggling with low back pain, please call the clinic to see how we can help you.
Jonathan Schubert - Senior Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapist
Jonathan is a highly skilled and experienced Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist. He graduated from the Uni of SA in 2006 with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy, and has worked in private practice ever since.
Jonathan is passionate about ongoing learning, and continues to expand his skills through a multitude of professional development courses. He has qualifications in Dry Needling, Pilates, Steel (men's cancer rehab), headache and back pain treatment, and a variety of injury management techniques. In March 2016 Jonathan completed the final components of a Masters in Sports Physiotherapy and a Masters of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, both from LaTrobe University.