Then, just over a week before the event my 2 ½ yr old daughter became unwell, we spent a night in hospital mainly as a precaution and it turned out that she had Influenza A. The next day I also started to show the signs and symptoms of the flu. We spent the next 3-4 days on the couch together resting up and taking it easy. About 3 days before the Heysen 105 I was mostly clear of symptoms, no more fever, the muscle aches had gone, no headache. I was back to feeling well.
So I debated whether I should still do the race. My wife told me it wasn’t a good idea. From my work with other athletes, I have a fair idea of how long recovery from ultra-marathons takes (usually 4-6 weeks). I guessed that running an ultra after having the flu might extend that recovery to 6–8 weeks. But considering the time, effort, and money I had put into preparing I thought I’d give it a go. I decided that the extra few weeks it might take to recover was worth the risk, and I hoped that I’d be able to complete the event and do well.
I told myself, my wife and my mate Barry that we would take it easy to start. If things were going well then we would keep going. If things weren’t going well then I would pull the pin and stop early. I was willing to take a risk but I wasn’t willing to work myself too far into the ground.