It's true that WHATEVER WE FOCUS ON BECOMES BIGGER. Psychology once believed that being a positive or negative person was inherent in our nature. Not so! We can teach ourselves to find a positive in any situation. You've heard the saying - "every cloud has a silver lining". It's true! We can choose to focus on something that went well, or the memory of a moment that was a little better than the moment we're currently experiencing. Focusing on the positive must never be at the expense of acknowledging real pain, sadness, or difficulties, we do ourselves a disservice if we take a sunshine and roses approach to loss, struggle or pain. Give yourself credit for having the strength to go on, for setting and achieving a small goal (getting up, going for a walk, making someone else's day brighter). You deserve a brighter moment, allow yourself to find a flower, remember a friendship, or simply celebrate YOU.
If like us you are feeling a little helpless and overwhelmed with the state of the world right now, our Counsellor Dominie Nelson has shared 3 tips to keep in mind that you may find helpful. Focus on the positive
It's true that WHATEVER WE FOCUS ON BECOMES BIGGER. Psychology once believed that being a positive or negative person was inherent in our nature. Not so! We can teach ourselves to find a positive in any situation. You've heard the saying - "every cloud has a silver lining". It's true! We can choose to focus on something that went well, or the memory of a moment that was a little better than the moment we're currently experiencing. Focusing on the positive must never be at the expense of acknowledging real pain, sadness, or difficulties, we do ourselves a disservice if we take a sunshine and roses approach to loss, struggle or pain. Give yourself credit for having the strength to go on, for setting and achieving a small goal (getting up, going for a walk, making someone else's day brighter). You deserve a brighter moment, allow yourself to find a flower, remember a friendship, or simply celebrate YOU.
May 2024