If it’s your first massage at the clinic make sure you allow time to complete some quick paperwork regarding your preferences, so you don’t feel stress or rushed prior to going through. This will also allow you time to use the bathroom before your massage so you are comfortable and not wanting your session to end before due time.
On your way to your appointment, think about what kind of massage you would like, what areas of your body you would like treated. If you have had massage before, was suitable or unsuitable? Think about how you might explain this to your therapist in case it has any impact on the treatment you are about to receive. When speaking with your therapist, they may want a little bit of background information like injuries or trauma history. |
Your Massage Therapist may also suggest in your best interest other modalities to support your recovery or lifestyle. This may include Physiotherapy, Counselling, Psychology, Naturopathy, Doctor or Specialist.
Remember to drink plenty of water after your massage to help flush out any toxins (lactic acid) that may have been released, and to encourage good oxygen flow to the areas that have been worked on.
As we are generally leading busier lifestyles, it is helpful to pre-book your next massage before you leave the clinic, whether it's in a week or six weeks. You may like to make a plan to have regular massage which can improve and lengthen your results including:
- improved sleep
- decrease in stress
- decrease in nerve or muscular pain
- ability to manage emotional situations better
Make massage a part of your lifestyle and you will be glad you did!
and a member of the Australian Association of Massage Therapy.
She specialises in Myofascial and Craniosacral Therapy.
If you would like to make a massage appointment with Lyndal please call Marion Physiotherapy on 08 82967594 or for more information please click here.